Prof. Dr. Naci Görür made a statement on his social media account, criticizing the absence of earthquakes among Turkey's most pressing issues. Görür pointed out that a survey listed problems such as inflation, security, unemployment, and terrorism, but ignored the earthquake issue.“Having recently buried over fifty thousand innocent people, as a society, you cannot forget the importance of earthquakes,” Görür said, criticizing television programs for overlooking this reality. He called on the public to remember those lost in the earthquake and to demand earthquake-resistant cities from their leaders. "You cannot continue as if everything is normal. Demand earthquake-resistant cities from those who govern you," he concluded.
Yayınlanma: 28 July 2024 - 23:25
Naci Görür's Earthquake Warning: "Do Not Forget the Earthquake"
Prof. Dr. Naci Görür made a statement on his social media account, criticizing the absence of earthquakes among Turkey's most pressing issues. Görür pointed out that a survey listed problems such as inflation, security, unemployment, and terrorism, but ignored the earthquake issue.
28 July 2024 - 23:25
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